Lytham Juniors
Junior social event at the Sandcastle Water Park Sunday 10th November 1.30pm Meet See Teamo event
New Fixtures have been added to Teamo.
Junior contact boys and girls - Andrew Copeland
Email: acopeland.lythamhockey@gmail.com
Junior fixtures for season . We play against local clubs in the area Leyland, Preston, Garstang, Fylde, Blackburn, Chorley and Lancaster.
Under 8 (mixed)
Under 10 (mixed)
Under 12 and 14 then move to boys and girls
If you fancy giving it a go come down and try.
Junior rules
Smiling it mandatory.
Try has hard as you can.
The age rule for the Sunday tournaments is the child age on the 1st of September.
Under 8 mixed boys and girls - 4 players larger ball. On a small pitch with small goals no goalkeeper.
Under 10 mixed boys and girls - 7 players including a goal keeper on half a pitch.
Under 12 and 14 boys - 7 players including a goal keeper on half a pitch.
Under 12 and 14 girls - 7 players including a goal keeper on half a pitch.
Registration is completed on Teamo app. Fixtures and events are posted to the parents to confirm availability. The link to register to become a member of the Lytham Teamo app.
The parent or guardian registers. Then they create a registration for their child.
Lytham High school - from 4 to 18 years
Time 11-00 to 13.00 hours
AKS - Under 12 to 19 unless you are invited by the coaches
Time - 18:00 to 19:00 hours
Senior training - Junior can attend senior training once they are 13 or if you are invited by the coaches.
Mens - Tuesday 19:00 to 20.30 - AKS
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​We submit the teams from the availability on the Monday of the fixture. The co-ordinator Charles then arranges the fixtures and sends them to the clubs on the Thursday. We then update Teamo with the details.
Slightly different this year not restricted to specific weekends. All teams can play all fixtures.
Before the 31st October are £100 (increasing to £120 after this date) This will cover all training costs for the year and members entry to the club. Andy is currently fighting with Teamo to add the details.
Any parents who would like to become a social member £30 - reduced drinks cost at the bar.
Playing shirts please speak to Andrew Copeland (Wee Man). Each player will be provided a club number.
All other kit are purchased from the Oneills Lytham St Annes club shop on the club Kit page
To play senior hockey for the ladies and mens all players need to register on England hockey. All team sheets are not electronic via the England hockey site.
To register open the link to England Hockey
Any questions please email: acopeland.lythamhockey@gmail.com

Junior playing shirt